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CrossFit For Youth & Teens

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CrossFit is a great base for kids to build confidence, strength, functional movement, develop them as healthy and fit individuals.


Our strength and conditioning program is focused on teaching your youth to move and lift properly as they gain strength and conditioning.  This program is designed to benefit your youth in both life and sport. 


Physical Benefits

CrossFit is great for kids because of the wide variety of disciplines it involves, from weightlifting to calisthenics to gymnastics. Kids brains are like little sponges, itching to make neurological connections and adaptations. These connections in the brain are made in response to stimuli. The more kids can be exposed to when they are young, the more connections and capacities they develop and retain for the rest of their lives.


Emotional Benefits 

CrossFit is similar to sports and martial arts in how it can develop children on an emotional level.  Crossfit can help kids develop sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, listening skills, self-discipline and manners. As children become fitter and more physically active they have an increase in confidence and self-esteem.


Fitness as a Lifestyle

It is important to instill fitness as a lifestyle at an early age. Fitness programs should emphasize the FUN aspect of fitness so kids see fitness as something as enjoyable and beneficial. Eating healthy becomes a natural and normal choice and being active becomes something they just do. An  all-encompassing program like CrossFit is a great way for children to excel in in many areas of their lives as children and into adulthood.


Is it safe?

Yes it is. Children’s workouts focus on different things than adult workouts. There is a focus on fun, circuits, functional movements and working with  light weights (if weight is used at). The goal of our program is to make exercise enjoyable for kids so that they form good health habits that they will carry with them the rest of their lives.


A Typical Class

A typical youth class starts with a fun warm up including calisthenics and stretching, followed by having fun working on movements that help them to improve strength, balance, speed and coordination. Then for the youths we move on to a workout that will be challenging and at the appropriate level for their ability. 



The CrossFit Bowmanville youth program is for children  aged 9-15 yrs old. Program options below!

Upcoming Programs

Teen CrossFit Ages 13-15
Starts May 6th
Mondays  & Wednesdays 4:15pm - 5:15pm

8 Weeks:  $240 + HST

Youth CrossFit Ages 9-12
Starts May 7th
Tuesdays  & Thursdays 4:15pm - 5:00pm

8 Weeks:  $256 + HST

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Contact us about personal training


325 Lake Rd. Bowmanville

Ontario L1C 4P8


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